
Output Destinations
Fuzzware creates test cases so they can be evaluated by the target of fuzzing. The following targets are supported:

Output to directory
Fuzzware can save each test case to a directory.

Output to network
Fuzzware can send test cases to a host or IP address (SSL is supported).

Output to application
Fuzzware can programmatically launch an application via a configurable command line. The application can optionally be sent key commands (called Window Actions) when starting and closing with time delays controlling when.

Output to Web Service
This is the output destination to use when fuzzing Web Services. The file to use as a template for the SOAP requests can be specified and this file will be reloaded from disk for each test case if it is changed between test cases. Some Web Services have methods that require parameters to have a certain value that was returned from a previous method request, so it's possible to provide a parameter name and Fuzzware will reuse the latest response value in the next request. See the tutorial on fuzzing Web Services.

Invoke ActiveX control
This is the output destination to use when fuzzing ActiveX controls. There are no options that need to be configured to use this output destination. There are some advanced options though. The script template file where the generated script gets inserted is configurable. Also, the application that processes the script file can be changed or it's timing or Window Actions. See the tutorial on fuzzing ActiveX controls

Output to Custom Code
Fuzzware can pass a test case to a custom .Net DLL with a class that implements the Fuzzware.Extensible.IUserOutputHandler interface that is defined in Extensible.dll. The details of this interface are here.
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