There are 2 different scenarios for file format fuzzing that Fuzzware can be configured to handle, when the file format is XML and when it is not XML i.e. every file format that isn't XML.
Fuzzing XML files Fuzzware is an XML fuzzer, so this is the most basic fuzzing task for Fuzzware. To configure XML fuzzing you only need to specify the input XSD and XML files.
Fuzzing non-XML files Since Fuzzware is an XML fuzzer, to fuzz non-XML files the non-XML file needs to be converted to XML. It is always possible to convert a non-XML file to an XML file conversion manually, however you would not choose this input source then because you would be fuzzing an XML file. You choose this input source when you want Fuzzware to automatically convert a non-XML file to XML.
To automatically convert a non-XML file to XML, Fuzzware needs the file format to be specified in XSD files (see Create an XML Schema), and needs to know which XML Schema element in the XSD files is the root element of the format. It also needs to be given the file that you want to convert.
There is a test conversion option available that shows Fuzzware attempting the conversion, and this can be used to help debug issues if the conversion fails. The test conversion process can become very slow if large amounts of data need to be converted.